Ronald Reagan Is The Ghost In This Story

A collection of Ronald Reagan ghost stories to both entertain and terrify.

Archive for May, 2008


Posted by Adam on May 20, 2008

Today, while playing 5 clicks to Jesus*, I found that someone had hijacked the Christianity page of Wikipedia. As I clicked the link on my way to finding Jesus, I found someone had replaced the usual entry with this:



Usually I would support this. However, this is gross an disgusting. Led Zeppelin must be spelled correctly! I don’t care if you’re in a hurry to publish this article so you can get on to Judaism Islam and Hinduism and raise complete anarchy as the world finds itself without religion all of a sudden. But you cannot have them worshiping Led Zepplein. For all I know they don’t even exist. And if they do exist, they probably suck.

I came up with a better, more difficult game. It’s very similar to 5 clicks to Jesus. I call it 5 clicks to Ronald Reagan.

*5 clicks to Jesus is a game played on Wikipedia. Starting from a random page, you get 5 clicks to get to the Wikipedia entry on Jesus. You can click any link in the article.

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