Ronald Reagan Is The Ghost In This Story

A collection of Ronald Reagan ghost stories to both entertain and terrify.

Ghost Inhabits Senator

Posted by Adam on February 20, 2009

Ronald Reagan is the ghost in this story.

Last week the ghost of Ronald Reagan was out and about trying to change the world one Senate vote at a time. Reagan embodied himself in Senator Kit Bond (R-MO), and stood in staunch opposition to the stimulus plan going through the Senate. Bond is quoted as saying “government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.”

Okay, maybe not, but this is what he did say.

Hold on to your wallets folks because with the passage of this trillion-dollar baby the Democrats will be poised to spend as much as $3 trillion in your tax dollars. Taxpayers will be on the hook for spending that will stimulate the debt, stimulate the growth of government, but will do little to stimulate jobs or the economy.

Very Reaganesque if you ask me. However, it seems the ghost of Reagan has left my least favorite Missouri Senator because it was only a few days ago that Kit Bond went on a tour across MO-town touting the gloriousness of the most amazing stimulus bill to ever pass through the Senate…ever. He was particularly fond of the $2 billion that he threw in there for low income housing projects, $40 million of which will go to his (and my) state.

The need for housing is great everywhere, particularly with affordable housing. The price of housing has gone up so much. We’ve had flooding destroy 100 houses in Lincoln County and disasters wiped out housing and if you talk to anyone you’ll find the waiting lists are long.

Well, nice try Reagan, but you didn’t finish the job! Unless you were just trying to make Kit Bond seem like another hipocritical Senator. In that case, good work Ronald Reagan.

One Response to “Ghost Inhabits Senator”

  1. asilvers said

    Have you considered the possibility that Ronald Reagan is a transient ghost? Maybe he possesses a person for a brief period and hope the seeds of Reaganness (Reaganocity?) take hold. In this case, there was nothing for the roots to grab on to. Perhaps he’ll find more success elsewhere…

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